Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Really - Is the economy really better?

Another in a not-so-regular series of posts highlighting nature's nature & 'ain't that odd'
The stock market lifted itself above 11,000. Oh yeah. Now the spinning heads are saying "America is Back"

Well, that is for sure. The fed leaders are certainly teamed with the financial, corporate, auto and energy firms. All the effort, bailout and "regulations" are custom crafted for them, not for us - the downtown Main Street.

Organizations such as these are attaining near record profits and near record bonus payouts. Yes, nothing has change -- "America is Back". And, up to the same old tricks of maintaining power in the hands of very few.

Yes, "America is Back" -- now what are you, the average individual going to do about it? The same - do nothing??

Good Night from Maine, USA

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