Thursday, March 18, 2010

Carbon Credits - What the Hell?

Another in a not-so-regular series of posts highlighting nature's nature & 'ain't that odd'
Now that is a good plan! Let's go to really pristine places with lots of dirt, lots of trees and other carbon sequestering resources. Let's give carbonating spewing companies a choice. Let them stay in their current location, using their current polluting system but pay for these carbon eating trees "over there"; so they do not have to spend money to modernize their facilities.

Now that is a good plan -- pollute the heck out of what might be a heavily polluted area, or at least an area with considerable population. Yes, that is a good plan but lacking the true cost of ownership. Cheaper for the company, but how do we determine the cost to health, home values and other quantitative items.

Go Figure. Good Night From Maine, USA

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