Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Oilers

Another in a not-so-regular series of posts highlighting nature's nature & 'ain't that odd'
Wow, what a mess in the Gulf - that's an understatement. Again, man manages for his benefit only and thinks he can control and guide the environment. I do not subscribe to that philosophy. I do believe Mother Earth always recovers - it has since it was a fire ball, water ball and chemical cauldron. What is your opinion?

The only continuing disaster is "The Man" and his (our) arrogance.

Mother Earth was kind enough in the last 60,000 years or so to over up weather and environmental conditions extremely conducive for The Man to not only survive, but thrive. Our time will come and I pray Mother Nature will prevail. All animals have their time, their boom cycle, their bust cycle, their evolution cycle and their death cycle. Regardless of our self ranking as the highest intellect, we remain just another animal on this Earth.

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