Thursday, August 27, 2009

Emotional Overrides of Science

Another in a not-so-regular series of posts highlighting nature's nature & 'ain't that odd'
For Maine, 2009 was the summer that wasn't. It was also the wettest "summer" on record. And now, it is almost September and the nights and mornings are already cooling - we're beginning the fall Indian summer weather now.

On to nature and the environment. Should people use the emotionally charged mantra of "we are losing 20 species a day" and "the polar bear is dying" and the earth is warming to justify their view, mission and fund raising? Shouldn't they also include the rates of warming, cooling, and animal lost prior to the modern presence of man? Should they also include more facts of extinction and how mankind is now flourishing in the most conducive environment for mankind? And, without the natural process of losing species our human evolution and the evolution of new species would not exist. I would like to see more facts, science and less emotion from people, especially the press who never truly live and experience nature except through adventure tours.

I personally am worn out on how much land a trust must save, has saved for our benefit and how this land is forever protected for the benefit of some species. The goal is admirable in many minds; it is sold as motherhood and apple pie. But is it science and does it reflect the fact the earth, our planet will always survive with or without man? Man is at risk, not the planet. It has lived and will live much longer than a single species such as man.

Now ants and bats, that is another story of how they impact and contribute to the current condition of earth.

Good night from Maine, USA.

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