Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Nature Knows Best - Not Humans

Another in a not-so-regular series of posts highlighting nature's nature & 'ain't that odd'

Nature, the planet, the oceans are well and alive.  Our planet nature is far too integrated, complex and interconnected for any man to have the audacity to interfere, tame and control.

Man is an animal not really different from many and most of the wildlife on earth.  While we may think we are superior, we are not.  We have done more harm to earth's environment than any other creature. We have polluted our earth environment as well as littered space with hundreds of thousands of junk pieces and bad chemicals, for sure.  Earth is not ours to harness, but to live as one in spirit with all creatures.

Until we wake up and drop our superiority complex thinking everything should be as seen through human minds (human-centric only) the earth will not be well for a human home. However, the earth is and will continue to be, grow, expand, change and evolve.  It just will not be favorable to humankind.  We may go extinct as did the dinosaurs and millions of other species.

We, humans, are just a brief, simple moment in the live of earth.

Good Night from Maine, USA

Thursday, June 2, 2011

That’s Alotta of Smoken

Another in a not-so-regular series of posts highlighting nature's nature & 'ain't that odd'
Cigarette butts are the most common trash item collected during beach cleanups, accounting for over one-third of the total debris collected in the past 25 years. The Ocean Conservancy’s annual beach cleanup volunteers have collected over 53 million cigarettes and cigarette filters, in addition to 9,549,156 plastic bottle caps, 14,766,533 food wrappers/containers and 7,825,319 plastic bags.

Join and sign up for international beach cleanup in September (here)

Good Night from Maine, USA

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Corn - Feed Me or Move Me? Why

Another in a not-so-regular series of posts highlighting nature's nature & 'ain't that odd'

Is it true that $3 of every $4 dollars our USA Federal Government gives out in tax credits for renewable energy credit goes towards corn ethanol? Is this a good thing to remove so much production from feeding the world when so many are starving? Does it even pass the smell test? I know my vehicle now gets 10%-15% less mpg due to ethanol. And, there may be a push (not common sense) to increase the ethanol content in gas! Do we know why this is a bad or good idea?

Go Figure

Good Night From Maine, USA

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Neat Plastic World

Another in a not-so-regular series of posts highlighting nature's nature & 'ain't that odd' We are making some interesting progress addressing the massive amounts of plastic deposited into our oceans. What a great item to get involved in to help our oceans, animals and ourselves. The food chain impact is: 45:1 ratio weight of plastic versus planton; fish and birds eating "look alike plastic' food; bigger fish each smaller fish and concentrates toxins in their bodies. We eat fish! Here are some interesting links: ATI Rutgers Flyer Algalita Good Night From Maine, USA

Monday, December 27, 2010

2010 Climate Change

Another in a not-so-regular series of posts highlighting nature's nature & 'ain't that odd'

Climate has changed for millions of years. It has been more than 42 degrees hotter about 65 million years ago. It has been hotter, it has been colder. Animals, creatures and man has died and re surged. Many became extinct. Again, it is a circle of life. And, yes man may become extinct too if it gets too hot or too cold. Unfortunately, it really all centers around man. Mother earth and the climate are very healthy -- but the most conducive climate to humans will not remain static and in this most human-growing state. It is not about climate change, global warming or the polar bear - it is simply about man. Take man away, the earth thrives. Take the ants a way and it die
Too many people, too much stuff, too much useless possessions.
Good Night From Maine, USA

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Oil -- Good to Bad to Lessons Learned

Another in a not-so-regular series of posts highlighting nature's nature & 'ain't that odd'
I know we are all emotionally cranked up about the environmental disaster in the Gulf coast. And we should be.

Now we must simply pick up and focus on the cleanup and how we can better control & regulate all oil, mining, and wind projects. And change ourselves and our behavior.

Keep in mind we as individuals are just as "guilty" as any oil, government or private business. You can't expect a different outcome if you don't actually change the game plan. USA makes up 5% of the world, but consumes more than 25% of its fossil fuel energy. That would be you!

We have a responsibility to really change and until we do, the Gulf spill also highlights that all the oil spilled there is barely a couple hours of our daily use.

Go figure. Good Night From Maine, USA

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Oilers

Another in a not-so-regular series of posts highlighting nature's nature & 'ain't that odd'
Wow, what a mess in the Gulf - that's an understatement. Again, man manages for his benefit only and thinks he can control and guide the environment. I do not subscribe to that philosophy. I do believe Mother Earth always recovers - it has since it was a fire ball, water ball and chemical cauldron. What is your opinion?

The only continuing disaster is "The Man" and his (our) arrogance.

Mother Earth was kind enough in the last 60,000 years or so to over up weather and environmental conditions extremely conducive for The Man to not only survive, but thrive. Our time will come and I pray Mother Nature will prevail. All animals have their time, their boom cycle, their bust cycle, their evolution cycle and their death cycle. Regardless of our self ranking as the highest intellect, we remain just another animal on this Earth.